Sunday, January 16, 2011

Untitled...Wrote this on Oct 15.2009

I'm calling out to YOU, continually asking for YOUR grace! Constanly clothing myself in YOU...I want to

be so hidden in YOU that people will have to find YOU just to know ME! YOUR my perscription AND

addiction!! It is crazy how one substance can be a healing tool, but yet putting me in a state of being 

enslaved to YOU, YOU are my habit that I just can't seem to break! Not that that I desire to!....If this is 

what a slave feels like, then please......can YOU hold me in your captivity for eternity. If this is right, 

than i do not want to be in accordance with mortality! I rise with YOU on my mind, I lie with YOU in my 

heart. I thank YOU for blinding me from these worldy pleasures!. I thank YOU for guiding me through 

the storms that left me disoriented and disappointed. Thank YOU for allowing my successes and failures 

to shape my life! I am the clay and YOU are the potter. My life is surrounded by faith! My life=faith 

Without faith there is no purpose. I Trust YOU. Im trusting that YOU will not allow me to get so wrapped 

up in this world, I dont want to forget who I'm supposed to be. I know that my life is larger than my 

intentions, my plans are only for a moment! But YOUR plan is eternal......I can't wait to overdose on 

YOU!!!! :)

-Ashley Motin

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